
The bill expanding antisemitism's definition to include criticism of Israel would only crack down on free speech rights of antiwar student protesters, critics say.
The former president's attorney read aloud a bunch of social media posts ridiculing his client — in front of his client.
The revived 160-year-old ban will still go into effect for some time.
The former president will probably see red at the reaction his self-aggrandizing post garnered on social media.
The authors of a bipartisan law loosening restrictions on medical marijuana research say federal agencies have refused to comply.
“No. No. No immunity. No!” insisted Republican Sen. Joni Ernst.
Sen. Steve Daines (R-Mont.) said polling and focus groups showed a need to include exceptions to proposed abortion bans as well.
"We are not an authoritarian nation where we silence people or squash dissent," he said.
The seven-figure ad buy from the Biden-Harris campaign will run on the two-year anniversary of the leaked Dobbs decision.
A court exchange set off Newsmax's Greg Kelly, who ranted about "hideous bias."